Getting Started

Welcome to Your New MyLearning Experience!

LMA is excited to launch an all-new MyLearning platform and improve your user experience!

LMA is committed to continuously expanding and improving your learning opportunities by embracing best practices for adult learning. This new platform is an investment in our members and allows us to expand on existing formats and learning modalities to better meet your needs.

Access MyLearning for On-Demand Webinars, Conference Recordings and Training Programs, including LMA QuickStart® and other bundled educational content.

Enhanced features of the new platform include:

  • Single sign-on: No more double login! Access MyLearning any time with your regular member login information to review your history or access current content.
  • Personalized experience: This new system can help curate content for you based on your interests. Update your MyLearning profile to receive customized recommendations on the content that matters most to you.
  • Improved user controls: Start, stop and resume your learning seamlessly – no more buffering or skipping! Track your progress and never miss a beat of our extensive on-demand content.
  • Access anywhere, on any device: The mobile responsive design is compatible with PCs, tablets and smartphones, making your educational content completely portable.
  • Indefinite access to content: No more expirations! LMA educational content that you purchase will now be available to you indefinitely.