Keynote Address: An Uncommon Story – How One Trailblazer Went All In

Explore the uncommon story of Husch Blackwell Chief Executive Elect Jamie M. Lawless. She assumes the chief executive role on February 1, and is a compassionate and optimistic leader who embodies the philosophy of ALL IN. Jamie is a trailblazing law firm professional (without a law degree), and she will share her unique perspective and strategic understanding of the legal industry, how to disrupt established patterns to provide cutting-edge approaches for clients, and how to reinforce the value of professional staff.

Jamie’s work is informed by a dual focus: creating uncommon and exceptional client experiences and developing operational approaches that build and enhance cross-office, cross-disciplinary collaboration. In that work and throughout her career, she has repeatedly demonstrated the ability to build professional brands grounded in consistently excellent client service—from office to office and practice to practice—on an international basis. She has long recognized relationships as the critical factor in her success as a leader in the profession and consistently builds personal relationships through an authentic style that emphasizes listening to and understanding others.

Jamie will share her valuable insights and will engage in a fireside chat with Kevin Iredell, President of LMA and Chief Marketing Officer of Lowenstein Sandler, in this keynote session. Her expertise and unique career journey will leave you inspired and ready to take your own professional journey to new heights.


Keynote Address: An Uncommon Story – How One Trailblazer Went All In
Recorded 05/01/2024  |  60 minutes
Recorded 05/01/2024  |  60 minutes